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magento 1 extension converted in to magento 2 process

Simple Install
Download as a zip below link. unzip and upload it to your public_html or other rootdoc directory.

login to your server via shell

switch to the code-migration-develop directory by running following command  
cd code-migration-develop

Run command following command in root directory of this toolkit

composer instal

Before running the migration, the following directories need to be prepared:
* `<src>` - Directory that contains custom Magento 1.x code that is intended to be migrated. The code must follow the Magento 1.x directory structure.   Magento1.x core files must not be included.

* `<dst>` - Empty directory for the toolkit to put the generated Magento 2 code to

* `<m1>` - Directory that contains:
* Vanilla Magento 1.x codebase, and
* Custom Magento 1.x code same as in `<src>` directory, and
* Dependencies of the custom Magento 1.x code, if any, that are not part of `<src>` directory as not intended to be migrated at the moment
* `<m2>` - Directory that contains the vanilla Magento 2.x codebase

The above directories are not required to be positioned relatively to each other, they can be anywhere in the file system.

Note that the Magento instances living in the directories `<m1>` and `<m2>` may not necessarily be installed. Being a static analysis tool, the toolkit does not execute the Magento source code.

 Migration Procedure
The migration consists of the following steps:

1. Migrate Magento 1.x module structure to the structure recognized in Magento 2

2. Migrate Magento 1.x layout XML files to the format recognized in Magento 2

3. Migrate Magento 1.x config XML files to the format recognized in Magento 2

4. Migrate the PHP code in terms of how it interacts with the Magento framework, preserving the business logic

Note that it may be necessary to regenerate the mapping files as the very first step. That is especially important in a case of migration between arbitrary Magento 1.x and Magento 2.x versions rather than the latest ones. It is an optional step, but it greatly influences the quality of the migration results. Please refer to the mapping files discussion later in the document.

Running the Migration
Run all the migration scripts:

1. `php bin/migrate.php migrateModuleStructure <src> <dst>` - Migrate directory structure

2. `php bin/migrate.php convertLayout <dst>` - Migrate layout

3. `php bin/migrate.php convertConfig <dst>` - Migrate config

4. `php bin/migrate.php convertPhpCode <dst> <m1> <m2>` - Migrate PHP code

The migration scripts are to be ran in the specified order as the output from one script may be used as input for another script.

The scripts read the Magento 1.x code from the `<src>` directory, convert it, and write the transformed code to the `<dst>` directory. All converted code is saved to files with a `*.converted` extension. The directories `<m1>` and `<m2>` are used to lookup the context of the code being migrated.


  1. Nice artical very usefull Thanks....!

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  2. Thats great post you submit here and complete steps to conversion of Magento 1 extension. I'm always looking for these kind of informative blog post to get good knowledge as I'm professional Magento Developer.

  3. Very useful for all turning to Magento 2 from Magento 1 since Magento 1 support is going to end in a couple of years.

  4. (Thanks for this blogspot)

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